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Windows 8 Consumer Preview Download Links

Windows 8 Consumer Preview Download Links

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- Download Windows 8 Consumer Preview bit and bit - Pureinfotech


In doing so, Microsoft makes a big statement about where it sees Windows' future role on mobile devices--tablets and laptops, but no mention of phones, yet.

The Consumer Preview went live during the event, and Microsoft said that in the first hour, it had already had downloads from over 70 different countries. The company revealed little news; it's still too early to have details about availability, pricing, and distribution for Microsoft's radically new OS.

The Microsoft Windows Store, first previewed in December of last year, is now live. And all apps during the Consumer Preview period will be free but only when using the new preview version of the OS. Microsoft also announced the eight winners of its app contest; those apps will come with the final version of Windows 8.

Microsoft said there are more than , changes to the OS since the Developers' Preview released in September Plus, for developers, the big news is that the Visual Studio 11 beta is now available as well. To do so, Sinofsky said, "We took a new approach to building Windows 8. We looked across the OS, the apps, the development platform, and the hardware itself, to see how we could engineer better, and with more efficiency, to enable a broad array of choice for consumers.

And to do it all with a unified OS experience across all devices. It appears that Windows 8 marks the biggest shift in how PC owners will interact with Windows since the launch of Windows And Sinofsky himself noted that "Windows 8 is a generational change in the operating system.

It's a generational change in the functionality, and in how we do things. The free Consumer Preview, now available for download , represents a smoother, more refined experience when compared to what we saw at Microsoft's BUILD event in September Windows 8 Metro interface As demoed on stage Wednesday, the navigation of the Metro-style interface was better refined when using a mouse and keyboard; the integration of the desktop became clearer desktop apps appear in their own screen, and they behave just like the desktop does today, so those of us who have scores of windows overlaid at once can still do so ; and app navigation by touch was far more smooth.

This mass unveiling was more high-level and glossy than the version Microsoft showed at the company's BUILD briefing for media last September, but it also was more convincing, simply because the OS is farther along in development. More noteworthy was Microsoft's discussion of its Windows 8 video and music stores. By including content storefronts, Microsoft enters familiar territory--it already has its Xbox Live Marketplace for its game console and Zune Marketplace on its Windows Phone platform.

And this will help Microsoft better compete with Apple and Google, both of whom have their own media stores to make it easy to get media onto your device.

As with the developer preview, the Consumer Preview code will not be stagnant. Microsoft says there will be ongoing updates to the OS and Preview apps along the way as it marches toward final release. Microsoft gave no timeline for Windows 8's release, but did say the next milestones are the release candidate version, the release to manufacturing version RTM , and the gold version. For more blogs, stories, photos, and video about Microsoft Windows 8, check out PCWorld's complete Windows 8 coverage.

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Download Windows 8 Consumer Preview 8


After months of wait finally today we have Windows 8 beta aka Consumer Diwnload build bit and bit OS. However if you have downloaded ISO file from unknown sources like torrents then you might have missed the product приведенная ссылка which is required to install Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Fortunately Microsoft has made one global product key available for Windows 8 CP and that full you get at official Windows 8 Consumer Preview download page.

The above consumerr key is universal for any type of Windows 8 ISO installer, be it bit or bit, English language or Chinese, windows 8 consumer preview full version free download free and German the above key will work without any issue.

Well, this version is not what I was expecting but still somewhat near to it. GUI is very much different but the performance is very much similar to Windows 7. May be we will see much more than this in the previiew version.

Your email address will not be published. All Rights Reserved. Windows 8 Consumer Preview bit and bit Product Key. Sandip Dedhia Sandip Dedhia is the founder of Blogsdna.

He is on twitter too sandipnd. Windows 8. Share this post. Leave a Comment Windows 8 consumer preview full version free download free email address will not be published.

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